Registration Fees
Category | Local (BDT) | Foreign (USD) |
IEEE Member | ||
Author | 1000 | 30 |
Student | 500 | 20 |
Life Member | 1000 | 30 |
Participant | 500 | 10 |
Non IEEE Member | ||
Author | 1500 | 40 |
Student | 1000 | 30 |
Participant | 700 | 15 |
*For IEEE RAS Members, additional 10% reduction in registration will be provided in all relevant categories.
Registration fees will include
- Entry to all the technical events of four other collocated conferences/symposiums.
These are: SPICSCON, BECITHCON, PEEIACON and SympSIST. - The above rates are applicable up to the registration deadline only. 20% increased rate will be applicable after registration deadline.
- Category is defined by the author’s affiliation mentioned in the paper.
- Only Full-Time Regular students with proof will be considered for student author category.
- The maximum allowable pages in the camera ready paper are 4 pages. A maximum of two more pages are permissible by paying extra page-length charges. The additional payment required for extra pages is BDT 500 per page for Bangladeshi authors of all categories and US$ 10 per page for all categories of foreign authors.
For registration, you will have to deposit your registration fee in the following account and fill up this form:
Name of the account: IEEE RAAICON 2021
Account No: 4404 0020 00921
Type of account: Current
Name of the Bank and Branch: Sonali Bank Limited, BUET Branch, Palashi, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Bank ABA Number: 200270522
Or Pay via BKash-
BKash Payment Number (Personal, Use Send Money Option): 01818901184
Please write “RAAICON xx” in the reference where xx is the paper ID.
The Online Payment Option will be updated later